dinsdag 14 december 2010

Piece I created for the Frank Frazetta tribute show!(http://www.galleryprovocateur.org/frazetta.html)

In photoshop, I tried to resemble his famous pencil drawings...

zaterdag 13 november 2010

Oh Hi there!
Just a quick update to let ya'll know i'm still alive hehe, i tend to disappear sometimes, bad habbit...i know..

Been screwing around art wise...not a great time, been a little out of inspiration lately, maybe because of the boring landscape/weather in this time of year. I'm moving to a new studio space next week, been very busy with that. And i discovered Zbrush, which is friggin' cool! Below you can see, WIP, my first thingy, don't think i finish it though...just testing some things. Anyway, i'll keep this blog alive from now on.

XoXXooxXoo -

dinsdag 7 september 2010

"DRAW OR DIE", a film by Lennart Brede, features a gathering of 200 artist from across the world, in Berlin, Germany, in the summer of 2010. Some of the world's finest Illustrators, Painters and Concept artists, from MARVEL COMICS, MASSIVE BLACK and SIXMOREVODKA have come together to teach and share their knowledge with young and aspiring artists from the four corners of the planet. Organized by SIXMOREVODKA and curated by MADE, this documentary is a window into what entertainment artists do for a living. Watch fullscreen!

really want to go next time!

vrijdag 3 september 2010

Inspiration 2: Lucian Freud

and one of my favourites: lucian freud

woensdag 11 augustus 2010


5 more colorcharts, 2 to go!

trying out inking in photoshop, jeez thats hard. lots of fun though!

dinsdag 3 augustus 2010

Rocked Out!

Wanted to draw a rock-star who is about to perform his last act haha! so drugged out he can barely stand up. just for fun!


donderdag 15 juli 2010

For portfolio, an oldie reworked. Photoshop!

woensdag 23 juni 2010

I'm going into oil painting knee deep! First i'm going to do some colorcharts as adviced by Richard Schmid in his famous book "Alla prima: Everything i know about painting"

My current palette, might at a terra rosa to it later on, consists of:

Burt Sienna
Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Yellow Deep
Titanium White
Azo Red
Alizarin Crimson
Raw Umber
Cobalt Blue
Ultramarin Blue
Lamp Black

anyway here at the firs:

donderdag 17 juni 2010


Cala Goloritzé in Sardinia

donderdag 10 juni 2010

put ur headphones on!

woensdag 9 juni 2010

practicing human body/clothing from imagination..

zaterdag 5 juni 2010

Frazetta study in honor of him. Pen and ink!

dinsdag 11 mei 2010

Frank Frazetta

"Cat Girl"
one of my favourite pieces.

May he rest in peace.

zaterdag 2 januari 2010

Daily Deviation

I got an Daily Deviation over at deviantart.com on 1-1-2010 for this piece.